Scorpio Daily Forecast
Once you understand that a certain someone has disappointed you over and over again, you’ll finally see them for who they are. It could now become clear that they’re simply not the person you thought they were, and it’s time for you to admit it. When you accept them for who they are (warts and all), you’ll immediately feel less annoyed by their antics. Being held to a high standard doesn’t work for everyone. Some folks simply can’t rise to the challenge.
A generous act by another leaves you inspired with compassion. Pass that kindness on and create a chain reaction. Don’t be surprised when the good feelings come back your way in the form of an attractive stranger.
Try to find a happy medium, but good luck. Your emotions could be out at the fringes, thanks to a healthy dose of stress, but that does mean that when you’re happy you’ll be ecstatic.
When everything you do seems like a contest, you have to pick your battles. Make sure the only ones you engage in have profitable outcomes. The rest are just senseless squabbles.