Aquarius Daily Forecast
Does it seem like the lunatics are in charge of the asylum? A boss, manager, or some other big cheese might not be quite the cool, calm, and collected authority figure you were hoping for. If that’s the case, don’t just stamp your feet and scream. Instead, keep your cool while others around you lose theirs. Hopefully, everyone will notice your example and follow it.
Helping a friend move might not thrill you to the core, but it’s great for your karma — and by later tonight, you could be enjoying the fruits of that in a way that keeps your romantic nature moving forward.
Beating around the bush won’t get you far with your partner. Explain your relationship expectations clearly to prevent future misunderstandings. Be frank and open, and they’ll thank you.
You’re not the kind to get moody just because you can’t buy whatever you want. On the other hand, financial restraint is starting to wear a bit thin. If you’re not clear exactly what the source of your sullen state is, don’t make drastic changes to your budget just yet.