Daily Forecast Libra 01-02


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s not all that often that you find yourself cast in the role of mediator, but today your temperament is just right for handling a touchy situation. With careful words and a friendly smile, you can make inroads where others can’t because the combatants appreciate that you’re trying to be fair. Keep trying even if you secretly think you’re in over your head. Good results will crown your efforts.

Singles Lovescope

Your good energy is exactly what you need if you want to change a friend’s grouchy mood. Offer to take them out for some fun, or take on a big problem together as a team. Romantic karma is yours!

Couple Lovescope

See if you can find a new way to make sure things are moving along. Stability feels more important than ever, but it’s almost dead certain that harmony will be interrupted briefly.


You have a lot of good energy even if the numbers say you should be down in the dumps. You’re ready to face reality, whatever it may hold for you. Find another to share your good attitude with.



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