Capricorn Daily Forecast
Good relationship possibilities are all around you right now, whether you’re looking for a new love, new friend, or new business networking connection. Today is a great day to initiate a conversation with someone you’ve always been a little shy around. You’ve had a boost to your self-esteem that will help you step right up to this person, hold eye contact, and share who you are. They’re bound to be impressed, don’t you think?
You’re a born trendsetter. Now you need to inspire others to find a little extra romance in their relationships. Lead by example. Try out new methods. Use tech to get your move on!
Your partner is in a good mood, so act now on a topic you’ve been nervous about broaching. Use your newfound confidence to tackle a relationship issue you’re ready to change. Influence is in your corner.
Your weekday and weekend energies feel different, but they complement each other. You spend Monday through Friday filling up your pockets, so spend the weekend making more room. Go in deep.