Capricorn Daily Forecast
Hibernating has always been a key feature of your life — you love to hide out. It’s not the world you fear, though — in fact, fear has nothing to do with it. You just love to hide out because it allows you the opportunity to snuggle and nestle in, and there’s nothing you love more than comfort. For the next 24 hours, just give in and don’t go anywhere. Pull out all your favorite videos, putter around the kitchen in your comfiest PJs, and take a quick hibernation.
Do you want to try a new approach to meeting people, but you’re afraid to take the next step? Let go of your fear and jump in. This is a good time to try new ideas, especially outrageous ones!
When it comes to your relationship, it may be up to you to take the lead. Initiate a discussion or propose a plan. Your proactive approach will at the very least open up a healthy dialogue.
Once you learn the main trick, you’ll be able to apply it to most things in your life, including making money. It may be turning your wild ideas into projects you actually finish or learning to take some action with them once you cook them up. Focus on pulling them from the realm of your thoughts into reality.