Daily Forecast Pisces 01-15


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Pushy people may be goading you beyond your endurance. It’s wise to remember that no one can take advantage of you unless you allow them to. If you find that everyone is taking you for granted and expecting more and more, it could be time to go on strike. You don’t have to be unpleasant to make them listen. A total cessation of all unreasonable activities and an assertive declaration of your boundaries will have a remarkable effect.

Singles Lovescope

Someone you like is suddenly playing mysterious or hard to get. Do you really need a heart-to-heart talk at this stage, or can you figure out what’s going on just by watching and waiting?

Couple Lovescope

You know just how to blend two different families together. So your grandmother is a golf enthusiast but your partner’s can’t stand it. Somehow you figure out that they both love to needlepoint. What a host!


Oh, you’re good. You can connect with just about anyone, anywhere, anyway. You know when to use your intellect and when to use your emotions. But someone else is even better at the game than you are. They are the conductor to your orchestra. Enjoy being led around by the nose for a change.



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