Taurus Daily Forecast
Finishing other people’s sentences will be easy to do today, you’re so in sync with the folks you’ll be talking to. But it might be in your best interests to keep this level of connection to yourself. Knowing that you can practically read minds won’t put people at ease. Having this level of synergy with everyone can boost your confidence and enable you to move the conversation in a direction that includes more opportunities for your personal or career growth.
The time for something or someone new is upon you, even if feels like nothing could be further from the truth. That’s the funny thing about the universe – you never know what it has in store for you. Do your part by seeking out new experiences and being open to all kinds of possibilities. The stars will take care of the rest.
Stuck in your ways? That may be fine when it’s just you, but being in a relationship means you need to be more flexible. Allow for mistakes on both sides. No one’s perfect, not even you.
You’ve been around the block a few times. Figuratively speaking, of course. So you know to look beyond the beautiful words you hear today to see if there is something more substantial behind them. You’re willing to have fun if there’s nothing but fluff, but you’ll spare yourself a big tab.