Gemini Daily Forecast

Your wild ideas and “anything goes” mentality are actually firmly grounded in earthy concerns (and earthy delights) right now. Your energy is pushing you in a more stable direction, and you want to see concrete results and follow your plans through to some kind of resolution. Make sure you get the most out of this bout of perseverance. You could lay the groundwork for some great things to come.
Your intuition has a message for you, but you’ve got to get out of your same old headspace in order to pick it up. Do something wacky to prompt a romantic revelation.
Emotional attachments are a bit like those bungee cords that keep stuff strapped to the back of your bike. They help you keep it all together!
You used to feel you had a deep understanding of the financial world but now you’re not so sure. That’s a wise position to be in now. Pretending you are on top of it all would be foolish, no matter who buys the act. Continue being grounded enough to say you just don’t know.