Scorpio Daily Forecast

You’re wise to avoid the people who are bragging. Not only do they have nothing to brag about, but people who exaggerate their worth do so because they’re really pretty uninteresting. So skip the big talkers. Don’t get upset if they aren’t noticing you. Why would you want attention from someone who is so shallow and powerless? Stick with the people you already know and love. Now is the time to cherish the people you have in your life.
Don’t let that awful colleague or neighbor take advantage of your altruistic nature. If you don’t have time to listen, just set some much-needed boundaries and tell them you’re busy. You’ve got romantic business!
Your connection with your partner continues to grow stronger. Today, they could surprise you with a small gesture that touches your heart. Be sure to tell them how much it means to you.
The people you’re working with on a big project have differing ideas on how much to spend. In fact, no one can agree on a budget. You’ll either have to go way over your own to meet expectations or be seen as a cheapskate. Either way, you handle it well.