Scorpio Daily Forecast
Change can happen at any time in your life if you’re ready and waiting for it. Every step you take today could be approaching a major turning point. What you thought was important suddenly doesn’t seem so very pressing anymore. And what you never considered much before becomes vital. This shift in priorities is long overdue. It might not be comfortable at first, but it will ultimately be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
You’ve definitely got a way about you, one that some might describe as weird, while others would be more apt to go with unique, hilarious, sexy, or charming. Watch for some admirers from the latter category.
Anyone telling you what to do or how to do it – even your partner, even in the nicest way – just isn’t going to go over well at the moment. Thank them for their input rather than telling them where to stick it!
You’ve put all your energy into working for someone else’s benefit and it’s starting to feel like slave labor. You’ll be liberated soon enough. Make sure it happens without any blood on your hands. The last thing you need to bring with you on your hasty retreat is guilt.