Libra Daily Forecast
You have very little time to achieve your mission of finding a way to make your loved ones realize that working together on the same side is better for all parties concerned than keeping a nonsensical feud going that won’t help anyone at all. That said, you can only do what you can do, and you can’t live anyone else’s life for them. If they won’t cooperate, don’t beat yourself up about it.
Daydreaming is great as long as you don’t let it take over your life. Give yourself a specific amount of time each day to let your mind wander. Make sure to keep it in check during big meetings and first dates!
You’re a bit overwhelmed, what with all the activities that fill up your day. Ask your partner for help coping with it all. They’ll be glad to lend you a hand.
Compromise is out of the question. Your impulses to pull or push back are too strong. As long as you harness them properly, those feelings can get you out of the doldrums and back into the black.