Pisces Daily Forecast
Secrets aren’t easy to pry out of another person, but any good interviewer will tell you that they’re even harder for that person to keep. There’s something in each of us that actually wants to reveal what’s going on. Now that a certain money matter seems to be coming to the surface, you’re really anxious to tell what you know about it. Don’t feel bad about that. Do let the information out discreetly, though, just a bit at a time.
Approach romantic matters with healthy caution now. Things and people aren’t necessarily what or who they seem, and only time will show their true colors. You don’t have to disengage, but don’t give your all.
If you’re feeling like something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. Your intuition is good. If it’s really speaking to you, you should listen and talk to your partner about it. You’ll feel better if you do.
When it comes to thoughts of money, be wary of your old nemesis, the scheme. You love nothing more than a dark plot, but working hard in the light of day is the tactic you should be sticking to. Don’t even think about changing your approach now.