Aries Daily Forecast

Watch out for impulse buying now. You might think you can’t live one more minute without a certain item, but you’re wrong, and if you think about it for a few minutes, you’ll realize that for yourself. Spending a big chunk of money right now could be a big mistake, so try to avoid putting yourself in any situation where you have the urge to buy. Skip out of any planned social shopping trips, or suggest some other activity instead.
A friend may be getting more numbers than you, but try not to get too envious. Instead, catch up with them. Ask them how it all works, and learn more about their philosophy. They’re happy to show you how it’s done!
Thinking about doing something isn’t the same as doing it. However, the way you think about it can influence the outcome to a great extent. What do you two want to happen, and how should it happen?
You could charm the emperor into believing he’s wearing a fine suit of clothes. No, wait, that’s been done. But if you come up with the right pitch, you can charm your way into the backing for any project, so you might as well keep it legit.