Daily Forecast Libra 02-02


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

All the flirting and smiling that has been going on between you and another is adding up to some real tension, but the catch is who is going to act on it first? This is a real problem! And you’ll have to deal with it in real time. There’s no point in hesitating, and why would you want to? The possibility for rejection is always there, but you can be reasonably certain that right now you’re getting the green light!

Singles Lovescope

You’ve been in a pessimistic mood lately. All you’ve wanted to do is sit on the couch and stream movies. That’s fine. You can’t be a social animal all the time. Love will wait.

Couple Lovescope

Early in the day you and your sweetie can’t stop talking to each other, but later on, things are much quieter. At first the dramatic contrast worries you, but it’s not a problem. Enjoy the tranquility.


You need to slow down, to a snail’s pace if that’s what it takes. If it helps you stay grounded, look at money as nothing more than a way to provide for your family, even if you’re a family of one.



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