Daily Forecast Pisces 02-12


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It’s fine astrological weather to be you, but no one has to tell you that, do they? You’ve been confided in by your dearest friends, and you’ve shared your own secrets with them too. It’s not the intrigue that has you so mesmerized, exactly. Although that does appeal to you. More than anything, what you’re so enjoying is the intimacy you’ve allowed yourself to give and receive, and the warmth of those post-conversation hugs isn’t too hard to take either.

Singles Lovescope

Don’t commit to just one person right now. Be a social butterfly and flit from one (virtual) flower to the next. You might tend to second-guess yourself, but don’t overthink things. Instead, just enjoy it. Stop and smell each rose.

Couple Lovescope

Emotions can be telegraphed even before you say a word, so don’t be surprised if your partner knows what’s on your mind before you say a single sentence. It’s comforting to be understood.


You’ve had to let go of a lot of the things you used to consider absolutely necessary and you’ve lived to tell the tale. You’ve also learned how to pamper yourself without spending a dime doing it. Today you’ll treat yourself like royalty and your bank account will be none the wiser.



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