Aries Daily Forecast
The Universe knows that you deserve a relationship that’s based on mutual respect and cooperation, and you do too. It’s time for you to be more demanding about what you need and stop putting the desires of others above your own. This selfless phase of yours has gone on too long. You have needs to be met too. If you think that you’re creating a sense of harmony between yourself and your friends by giving in to their whims, you’re wrong.
Love can be a lighthearted game for you, and when it is, you’re a top-ranked player. You know that a little strategy can’t hurt, especially when you’re making your initial moves and setting up the playing field.
Nostalgic notions might be holding you back from trying something new. Take a vacation from memory lane and follow a different route — one that goes toward happiness with your honey. Shake it up a bit!
It’s a crazy idea, but you want even more socializing than you’ve already had the last few days. You can find one or two others who are receptive but you’ll have to search them out. It’s doable, but not within budget.