Capricorn Daily Forecast
When was the last time you did some serious housecleaning? Today is a good day for it. Not only will you have the time, but you will have the energy necessary to get it all done quickly and effectively. You might even enjoy it, if you can imagine that! Making order out of chaos always feels good, and it’s a great use of your time. Plus, it will give you a chance to mull over some recent events and come to a fresh conclusion about someone.
By accident or on purpose, you tend to miss out on uncomfortable conflict, but a power struggle is going on that concerns your heart. Jump calmly into the fray and stand up for love.
You are highly intuitive, and as a result you can often sense when something is wrong with your partner before they even open their mouth. Let them know you’re there to listen, but understand if they aren’t ready to talk.
You’re not the only one daydreaming about the future. But if your daydreams all revolve around the past, then you’re not being realistic. Put it all behind you and tell yourself that tomorrow is a brand new day.