Capricorn Daily Forecast
Being open-minded is like eating on a regular basis: It’s absolutely essential to a healthy existence. Right now your open-mindedness might be tested. How do you handle something that even to your very open mind seems totally out-there? Do you ignore it? Engage with it? Doubt yourself? Doubt the other person? Don’t forget that trust in your own judgment plus a healthy dose of skepticism, a dash of self-doubt, and a lot of humility is usually a good approach.
If you wait for that awesome person to ride up on their white horse, you’re sure to miss someone amazing standing nearby on their own two feet. Keep your expectations wide open and look for new options!
The stars are all about relationship issues now. That doesn’t mean you should create one, just that you should focus on an existing one. If something’s bothering you, nip it in the bud.
The balance is shifting in your favor, but in an odd way. Your energy is being diverted from arrogance to plain old enthusiasm. Use this change to go for gold!