Virgo Daily Forecast
You may decide to stay in and snuggle up with that certain someone you know wants to watch a rom-com with you in the worst possible way, with some chocolate-dipped strawberries and a primo beverage on the coffee table in front of you. Or you may decide to do a bit of traveling, say, across town to that little bookstore with the espresso bar you’ve been dying to try. Either way, mark this one down in advance as a very, very nice day.
Tension among friends, colleagues, and family could come to a head now. In a weird way, you’re relieved it turned out like this, but now you’ve got to deal with the mess. Don’t go it alone.
You’re going to be hit with a romantic impulse today that you should definitely follow up. Your partner will be thrilled, and you may jump-start a new chapter in your relationship.
You have all the warmth of a stone. It’s the right day of the year to feel all warm and fuzzy, but you’re not up for the occasion. If you need some mental help, stop thinking about money.