Capricorn Daily Forecast
A material possession is going to be very important to you right now, but not in the way you probably think. It’s not going to be the next designer accessory or hot new gadget. It’s about the sentimental value you have for a certain object. Something you’ve been holding on to has a great deal of meaning for you, and you should consider passing it on in order to add new meaning to someone else’s life. Sharing something from your past will bring you a lot closer to someone.
Life’s a bit rocky on the love frontier right now and the connections are sparse. And the hotties? Well, they’re more tepid than anything else. Challenge mediocrity. Ask out an average Joe or Jane just for kicks. You could experience more than meets the eye.
A random comment or question you come up with might get under your partner’s skin in a way you didn’t anticipate, so expect to do a bit of damage control before the end of the day.
The best thing about having a lot to deal with is not having any extra energy left over for useless pursuits. You are so busy today that you’ll forget about a nagging worry that’s been plaguing you for days. No amount of money can buy this kind of cure. Enjoy.