Daily Forecast Libra 04-05


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Ambition can be pretty heady, like an expensive perfume or that new car smell, and you’re both drawn to it and a little afraid of it. Ambition, like most strong forces, is an excellent servant but a bad master. As long as you remain aware of your ambition and make sure it doesn’t get too outsized, you should be just fine. So go ahead and reach for the stars. They’re reaching back.

Singles Lovescope

Are you tired of all the usual routines? Expand your world and try making a new cuisine from a faraway land, or watch a subtitled movie. You may even be inspired to plan a little traveling. Make sure your passport is up to date and start thinking globally!

Couple Lovescope

A friend may come to you looking for relationship advice. You’ve set such a good example with your happy pairing that your friends now think of you as an authority on love!


Be just as careful with your friends as you would be with associates. It may be the check you’re divvying up instead of a business, but it’s still money at the end of the day.



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