Scorpio Daily Forecast
We’re all feeling antsy right now, but in your case, that restlessness officially relates to your home and family. Even if you were just fine about it the other day, today’s energy definitely gets you thinking about what your life could be like if things were different. You’re meant to be the instigator of that change, so if your people start asking what’s next, let them in on your plans.
People respond warmly to you, that’s for sure. Turn up the heat even more with some gentle flirting and lots of big, smart questions about them.
Finances can be tricky to deal with in any relationship, and now it’s your turn to take over the books. The good news is that you can see the issue with crystal clarity, so you can explain it to sweetie in terms they’ll understand.
If ever there was a day to take things personally, this is it. There’s plenty to hurt your feelings and ruffle your feathers over. But on the flip side, there’s even more to make your heart swell if you choose to focus on it.