Daily Forecast Pisces 05-11


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

It might feel like there are too many overbearing people in your life right now. Everyone seems to know exactly what you should do next, and they aren’t shy about telling you! These bossy bosses truly do have your best interests at heart, so try not to be too angry about their meddlesome ways. Just smile and thank them for their interest, but make it clear to them that you’re in charge of your life, and, right or wrong, your decisions are the ones that will guide your life.

Singles Lovescope

You need to add structure to your life and write down goals — but think big! If you want to write that short story, take that trip or meet the right person, put your energy in motion now.

Couple Lovescope

Right now, everything is taking a back seat to your career. You may feel like you don’t get to see your partner enough. Make the time you do have together extra special. Quality is more important than quantity.


There’s always going to be someone who thinks differently than you do, but when they insist on telling you over and over, it gets a bit tedious. They’re not the boss of you, as much as they like to pretend they’re your mother. Since they’re not giving you lunch money, plug your ears.



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