Virgo Daily Forecast
Your ability to see a common thread weaving through many diverse opinions will be extremely valuable today. If there are warring parties, it’s up to you to play diplomat. Believe it or not, you might be the only person who can ensure that cooler heads prevail right now. Start by suggesting that everyone make an effort to see things from a new point of view. Share what you think they all have to gain from this negotiation, and peace is sure to follow.
This new person in your life is intoxicating, but are they really all that? Examine the effect they have on your life and regularly scheduled programming. Remember the word “intoxicating” does include the word “toxic.”
Rather than thinking about how to get this out of the way, think about why this situation is here in the first place. Something in particular called this circumstance into being. Figure that out before you tackle it.
You’re being forced to look at your day-to-day budget. The grander scheme of things might be more interesting to you, but the nuts and bolts of your finances are what demand your immediate attention. Dig into them.