Virgo Daily Forecast
When you’re in charge, you have to be in charge! Letting your group of co-workers just do whatever they want might make you think you’re winning their hearts and minds, but you sure aren’t winning their respect. People need discipline right now, and they need to get it from you. By giving orders, you may be helping them be better at their job or even in their life. Discipline is more important than ever for everyone in the group today, including you.
Are you going to believe what judgments other people pass about your love life, or are you going to believe that only you know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Opinions are worthless. Actions count.
If you’re getting your partner a present (and if not, maybe you should), make sure it doesn’t look cheap. It could be cheap or even free, but today you need to make a big show out of quality.
The strange thing about your domestic situation is that it’s not as hard as you think it should be. Maybe all that stuff wasn’t worth much more than money after all. Look around for other pearls of wisdom to do with the home.