Aries Daily Forecast
Money and the future are mingling in the stars, and perhaps they should be in your mind as well. When’s the last time you gave some thought to planning your long-term finances? And when was the last time you paid more than the minimum on your credit card bill? Or contributed to your savings or retirement account? Put your practical side to work. A book, a banker, or a friend can help.
Before you send that message, check in with yourself. Is this really someone you want to meet or are you just killing time? Stay open to fresh opportunities. Ambiguity only complicates matters.
The astral energy coming your way increases your level of intimacy. First, you have to identify old habits and patterns that are getting in your way. Next, you have to decide what you’re going to do to change them.
You used to be able to charm to get what you want. Ah, those were the days. Today a loan takes a lot more than charisma. If you don’t have the collateral, don’t waste your time.