Scorpio Daily Forecast
If you’re doing something just because you want to gain recognition today, do something else. Impressing others is a nice idea, but it isn’t something to build an entire project on. At best, it’s a shaky foundation. How do you know for sure that they’ll be wowed by this endeavor of yours? It could very well be that once you put all that hard work into it, they’ll have changed their mind about what they want. Do what you want and then you know you’ll be happy with the outcome.
A close friend needs to hear the truth — and they want your version. Should they keep chasing that one person or hang back? Don’t gloss over reality. Tell them what they want to hear!
Now is a great time to offer up a few ideas that might shock (and delight) your partner. You never really know what they’ll be up for until you make a suggestion, so see what happens!
If you really don’t want to share, then don’t waste time imagining defending what’s yours. Simply keep it out of sight and out of mind. The less information you divulge, the less material goods you have to divvy up. As long as it’s fair, stay mum.