Capricorn Daily Forecast
People are going to be extra sensitive to whatever you say today, so do your best to offer constructive criticism instead of being just plain critical. While you don’t relish the idea of walking around on eggshells all day long, you will be glad you did. The extra effort will prevent them from getting bent out of shape and creating some drama that you just don’t need right now. Give these touchy people lots of space. Avoid interacting with them altogether if you can.
You find yourself going over every moment of your dates in your head, wondering if you said the right things. Relax and try not to overthink things so much.
You’re in just the right place emotionally to really talk with your partner about the relationship. Ask what they want, explain your side, and see if you can come to a new understanding.
Your friends are not your stepping stones, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help you get ahead. Pick and choose carefully when it comes time to ask for favors. Some people are more giving than others.