Daily Forecast Libra 08-21


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Dip a toe into a potential new experience just to get a feel for what you may be in for. Jumping right into the deep end is not advised! Do your due diligence first. Ask people who have done this before what they think. Listen with a critical ear, but don’t be too critical. Their experience could never be exactly the same as yours, should you decide to do this. And they may have a vested interest in discouraging you. An evaluation could take a few days.

Singles Lovescope

You’ve got a way with connections now that doesn’t manifest every day. You really understand, and others can tell. You’re focusing on specifics as well as the big picture, and you’re giving thoughtful responses.

Couple Lovescope

You’re feeling fantastic, and your sweetheart will almost certainly find you more alluring than ever. It’s a great time to reach out and try new things together, even if you decide to stay in.


Hyper vigilance, the pressure of sharks — leave all of these business worries on your doormat when you get back to your castle. The last thing you need is emotional upheaval at home.



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