Daily Forecast Libra 08-24


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Do whatever it takes to come to a compromise with one of your authority figures today. Because if you show the people in power that you are not only out for yourself, you can make a very good impression. Plus, as soon as you start getting things done, you can stop focusing on where you may or may not disagree, creating a happier vibe overall. Follow the path of least resistance today. Worry about accomplishing certain items on your own agenda some other day.

Singles Lovescope

Don’t pursue someone who isn’t returning your messages. It’s time to accept your losses. But don’t take this personally. The connection wasn’t meant to happen. Instead, open up to new opportunities.

Couple Lovescope

Your connection to your honey gets stronger every day. Something you share today may become the basis of a private joke the two of you will laugh about for years to come.


Spending time in a financial plan is a perfectly legitimate way to prepare for an upcoming event. Unfortunately, you have things to do and things to figure out. You will be glad you did it.



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