Taurus Daily Forecast
You will be with extremely compatible people today, but don’t be afraid to disagree with them. Everyone’s probably in a good mood, so playing devil’s advocate isn’t going to make anyone mad. In fact, they might relish the chance to defend their position and get into a friendly debate about their views. Being with friends who always agree with each other is nice, but sometimes you need to mix it up a little bit to keep everyone on their toes.
Your adventurous side may have a bit of a damper on it, but there’s no need to force it. Feel free to cancel your plans with friends or reschedule that hot date. Your intuition is good, so don’t ignore it.
That big brain you’re so famous for is going to come in handy today as you find smart solutions for your partner’s issues. You won’t be able to fix everything — that would be spooky — but you sure will help.
You need to spend time with your friends. No, not the ones you simply socialize with, the ones who are really near and dear to you. Money should have nothing to do with which list each person is on. If it does, start the editing now.