Virgo Daily Forecast
You’ve got so many thoughts flying around in that head of yours. Grab a friend and just start talking it all through. You have quite the analytical mind right now, and you’ll be shocked by just how many solutions you can come up with to any number of problems or issues. Even better, the gabfest is a great way to reconnect to someone close to you, and with any luck, you might even be able to help them solve a few of their dilemmas.
Nothing really goes your way today. You expected to hear back from that one prospect, but mum’s the word. Be proactive. Call. Once. Don’t hound. Don’t send a million texts. If you can’t get hold of this person the first time, the ball’s in their court.
You’re full of good, brainy energy today, and your partner will be even more drawn to you thanks to your never-ending stream of hot ideas. Don’t worry too much about whether or not they’ll fly.
You’re starting your journey with baby steps, and that’s fine. Going over the details is a perfectly legitimate way to spend your day. Focusing on the smaller issues is a good way to make you feel confident about what’s ahead, even if it reveals nothing you didn’t already know.