Daily Forecast Aries 10-13


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You should be bold to the point of obnoxiousness today. No one is going to mind. In fact, certain people have been waiting for you to speak up and show a bit of your true self. You’ve been hiding a very bright light deep inside of you, and you need to let it shine now. Why let yourself get all hung up on personal issues or worry that someone won’t like you? You can’t be everyone’s friend. You can only be you. Let the chips fall where they may.

Singles Lovescope

You want to know where things stand, but you’re afraid to ask. And that’s all right. It’s okay to test the waters and ask indirectly. All the info you need is between the lines.

Couple Lovescope

The same old, same old just won’t cut it right now. If you and your partner need to work something out, it’s time to try a different approach. An unusual action will get you both back on track and in each other’s good graces.


Current projects might not help you balance the books, but coming up with more lucrative replacements is idealistic. Put out some feelers, and don’t jump ship until responses are good.



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