Taurus Daily Forecast
When was the last time you did something just for the thrill of it? Forget about getting stuff done, making progress on a big project, or impressing that certain someone. You’re in good standing on all those fronts and can take a break from your responsibilities for a while. The stars say that right now is the perfect time to just kick back and have fun in life! Stop taking things so seriously, at least for a little while. The work will still be there when you get back.
How well do you know your neighbors? Take time to get to know the folks who live next door a little better. Not only is it important in case of an emergency, but you might stumble on a new love connection.
One thing that your partner admires about you is the way you can take one glance around a room and figure out exactly what’s going on. How can you use that skill to help you two with your current life plan?
Your usual indecisiveness works in your favor today. When you’re not sure, you hesitate but you don’t get lost. You wait and see if a better path to your destination opens up. And it does.