Libra Daily Forecast

If anyone can find a nice way to say anything at all, it’s you, even if it’s a secret. Your skills at mediation and negotiation are legendary. At the moment, however, you’ll need to leave those skills right where they are and keep quiet. No one says you’ll have to do it permanently, but for now, mum should definitely be the word. The only word.
Your romantic playing field widens in a big way once you pull off today’s spectacular coup. The less reasonable you are, the more people try to satisfy you. This could be more fun than you thought!
Detach yourself from an old point of view about your partner. After you do, you’ll see how much of this attitude was habit and not what you believe. You may find yourself understanding your partner’s argument too.
Keep your strength up, you’ll need it. Short of a rebirth, you’re not going to see huge changes any time soon. Do what you have to, to keep yourself nourished in emotional and psychological ways.