Aquarius Daily Forecast

If there’s something you’re good at, it’s knowing when it’s time to take a little break from the go-go-go world and spend some time turning the microscope of the mind on yourself. What do you see? Little emotions floating around like amoebas? Changing form, merging, separating, and doing their little amoeba thing? What emotions are those that you’re seeing under the glass, do you think?
Reassess your plan of action when it comes to pursuing someone new. Your initial reaction is to speed things along, but it’s really in your best interests to let them make the first move. It’s not about your pace. It’s about theirs.
Your talent for making people laugh comes in handy today. You might need to use humor to cheer up your partner. Lighten up the mood by telling a funny story. Smiling is contagious.
There should be some happy compromise between feeling like you’re doing more than your share to support the world around you and being totally selfish with your funds. Unfortunately for you, finding that happy medium is not only elusive but out of your hands entirely. You’re forced, yet again, to do as you’re told.