Aquarius Daily Forecast

Your engine could have some trouble getting started today. If today’s events aren’t inspiring enough for you right now, take some initiative and mix them up a bit. While you’re waiting for things to come together later, do something unexpected now. Surprise someone with a phone call or e-mail. Every day is yours to paint whatever color you choose, so exercise this power by making today the way you want it to be!
Don’t be too surprised if a personality clash creates sparks. The confrontation should either burn out quickly or erupt in a firestorm. If it’s the latter, ask them out after things cool down.
It’s the perfect night to cook dinner for your partner. If you don’t cook (no shame there), then order takeout and surprise them with their favorite dish.
Friends need a bail out but you can’t help. You don’t even have any secrets or tips to offer them. But you can do them a favor by simply doing some financial planning.