Daily Forecast Pisces 11-15


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone needs your famous helping hand or listening ear. If you’re spending time with family, a relative might have a story to share that you’ll be expected to react to with action, or a friend could call with a bit of an emergency. Are you ready to jump in and assist? Probably, but you could also be wondering whether to get some more information or do some more analysis. Don’t hesitate too long, though, and let them know that you care.

Singles Lovescope

Start small to start conversations today. Something minor but hilarious leads to something you know about this hottie. Ask about their lunch instead of their career — you stand out.

Couple Lovescope

You might have to deal with family issues today, possibly at the expense of your partner’s feelings. Being the person you are, it won’t be too hard for you to make things right.


Making money, losing money — it’s all become so routine. Not. You are on the edge of your seat once again today. If it weren’t for your love of the sugar rush, you would have gotten a stable job long ago. Keep focusing on what is sweet.



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