Daily Forecast Gemini 11-16


Gemini Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Talking about your hopes for the future with friends and family members is a nice way to pass the day, but it does little to make actual changes happen in your life. It might be time to take a break and go off on your own for a while. Solitude will reignite your individualism and remind you that you’re ultimately the only person who can take you where you want to go in life. Get back in touch with the things you (and only you) want for yourself. Start making them happen.

Singles Lovescope

You’re dancing around an issue right now, hoping to make a point through smoke signals and hand gestures. Problem is nobody’s paying attention. Don’t waver. Be direct and communicate your intentions clearly. Too much is at stake to rely on hints.

Couple Lovescope

Things aren’t working out the way you and your darling had hoped, but believe it or not, they’re working out the way they should. It’s a fine distinction, but once you two take the bird’s-eye view, you’ll see it’s true.


If a hurricane was coming your way, would you batten down the hatches or evacuate? Don’t waste energy bracing yourself. Start exploring your options now.



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