Aries Daily Forecast
You’ve got a good grasp on even the most complicated emotional issues right now, and you can look at these issues deeply without getting overwhelmed, which means you can solve them faster and with greater clarity. Today, someone needs you to help them sort out their issue. Help them if you have the time. You could be invaluable to them, but be careful that you don’t put yourself front and center. The drama is about them, not you.
Feeling vulnerable is natural right now, and it’s wise to protect yourself by being cautious. But right now is a good time to take a chance and bring something new into your life. The risk is worth it.
When your heart speaks, listen. Your mind is saying to let sleeping dogs lie, but an inward drive is pushing you to work it out with your partner. New efforts bring out a side of you that you didn’t know existed.
You have been having an easy time of making money this week. Instead of going by at a snail’s pace, the week flew by. But wait, there’s more! A last minute email or phone call will be the icing on the cake, so don’t skate out early.