Aries Daily Forecast
Sometimes the siren song of a good party is just too hard to resist, but you might have to do that in this case. Face it: you have too much to do and too many things to think about, and no amount of pretending will make it otherwise. Buckle down and get all the necessary tasks done, and then it will be time to let your free spirit loose. You’ll be glad you did.
Shopping may be on your mind, but it doesn’t have to be the kind that dents your bank account. Go online and browse the profiles of singles for the kind of person on your list.
Jealous types like to make lovers feel like fools. The secret that you two know that they don’t is that being a fool is a wonderful and necessary part of life. So be silly, be frivolous, and make lots and lots of fun mistakes today.
You’re afraid difficult times can crush you, but they can also bring out your hidden strengths, which may surprise you. You’ve got what it takes to survive, you’ll just have to discover that for yourself.