Capricorn Daily Forecast
You know what they say about all work and no play, and you’ve been working hard, perhaps harder than ever. Find some time in your busy schedule to have some fun. Try sneaking out of work for a matinee, treating yourself and a friend to a fancy lunch, or squeezing in some shopping for a few special little items to give to a few special people. And this evening, there’s definitely the chance of romance, so dress appropriately!
Losing your temper won’t help you get rid of it, but it might just get rid of the person you’re interested in. Count to three before unleashing the fury and you might find that your anger dissipates.
You and your loved one have quite a full evening ahead of you, and that means lots of your favorite food and drink. Be careful not to overindulge — you’ll feel better if you use a little restraint.
Your ability to connect easily with other people could translate into other skill sets or talents that are just laying fallow. Think of it as a fundamental ability you have to accept new concepts and be open to new ideas, especially of the moneymaking variety.