Aries Daily Forecast
Your relationships have been pretty darned busy for the past few days, and they’re probably going to stay that way, at least for a while. Does this mean you’ll be entertaining all kinds of amazing new companions? You bet it does. In the meantime, you may also have to decide what to do with the “old” ones. Better choose fast. Someone is about to issue what might sound suspiciously like a lover’s ultimatum.
Don’t let flakiness interfere with your search. Missing out on a connection because you forgot to write down their details could be tragic!
The common courtesies keep romance alive. Remember to open doors, ask what your partner would like to do, and check in with each other regularly. The little touches keep the machine running overall.
You know how to appreciate the simple things life has put on your plate. Enjoy them now, because a way more elaborate meal is coming your way. It’s life’s way of thanking you for being so thankful yourself.