Daily Forecast Libra 12-23


Libra Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You need to let the world see the real you today. In order to do so, step out and give everyone a good, long look. Show off both your hotness and your intellect. In situations where you might have usually played dumb in an effort not to look like a know-it-all, today you shouldn’t be afraid to own up to the fact that most of the time (if not all the time), you’re the smartest person in the room. There’s no point in trying to avoid intimidating people who aren’t as smart as you.

Singles Lovescope

As the mind demands one thing, the heart revolts with another. And you’re caught in the middle. Force your emotions into submission so you can think rationally. You’ll find the answer.

Couple Lovescope

The foundation of a great relationship is the relationship you have with yourself. Your happiness is in your own hands, not your partner’s. Living by this credo makes love sweeter and more sustainable.


When times are tight, financing for art and beautiful words is traditionally the first thing to go out the window. These days it’s McMansions and new SUV’s. That’s a distinction worthy of poetry.



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