Virgo Daily Forecast
If you like what someone is doing or saying today, show them how much you admire them. Your ego will get a boost from the act of praising someone else, so go ahead and do it. Not only will you make their day, you will also give them some much-needed support. Just because you see that someone is talented doesn’t mean that everyone else does. Don’t hide how you feel. Wouldn’t you like to know if someone thought you were incredibly cool? There’s no point in not being totally open.
It may sound weird to apply principles of teamwork to romantic matters, but the more input you get now, the better off you’ll be. Your friends’ collective wisdom means you get exactly the info you need.
The tried and true just won’t do for you two right now. If you always get Chinese on nights you don’t cook, it’s time to get Italian or Thai instead. Rather than playing it safe, strike out and be different.
Why is it that people scheme when it comes to things like money, but not when it comes to things like love? What? You say they do? You’re starting to see a few comparisons. In fact, your own approach is surprisingly similar in every arena. It may be time to make a few changes.