Libra Daily Forecast
When you least expect it, a burst of anger could change the tone of a conversation that started out sane, respectable, and downright civil. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to temper the rhetoric of all parties concerned with a bit of tact and diplomacy by translating it in your own inimitable fashion. You know, it’s the “what he really meant to say was” kind of thing. Fortunately, you’ll have some very valuable help. The heavens are feeling quite harmonious.
If you feel you keep meeting the wrong people, maybe you need to try a new approach. Consider using a different dating app. You could attract a completely different type of person.
Learn to give love without expecting a reward in return. You’ll be happier and, most importantly, your conscience will be much more at ease. Your partner senses something big in you has shifted.
Don’t even consider blending in with the masses. If you want to improve your odds, bet on the most way out horse in the race. Better yet, hitch up your wagon.