Cancer Daily Forecast
You can be tight with money all you want, but you should never be tight with your time! If someone needs a few dollars, it’s perfectly fine to tell them you aren’t in a position to help them out right now. They will totally understand. But if they need some of your time, do whatever you can to give it to them. Even if you would rather do something else, right now you need to be with your friends whenever they need you. Show them that you are responsive to their needs.
You’re sitting pretty if the stars have their say. You’re the object of much admiration and the center of certain attention. Keep your eyes open for an unexpected sign, opportunity, or occurrence.
Having one of those days where everything goes wrong? The printer broke and your car needs repairs. Help is on the way in the form of your partner who wants to have some fun. Accept their assistance.
Slipping out without going over the finer details would be a risk not worth taking. Is going out so much really worth gambling away money, yours or someone else’s?