Daily Forecast Pisces 07-26


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

You need change, and you need it badly. Of course, you love change, so that’s really nothing new, but today’s agenda is making it feel all the more urgent to get the show on the road. This could mean that you’re preparing to storm into your boss’s office and make some startling demands — but think about that. You know how authority figures react to ultimatums, right? Oh, well. At least they’ve come to expect this from you.

Singles Lovescope

A little extra introspection yields exponential results at the moment. Toss out your expectations about your own feelings and desires and consider them anew. It’ll be amazingly empowering.

Couple Lovescope

There’s so much you’d like to try, so many places you’d like to explore with your honey. Before you dive into the next big activity, take the time to clean up some loose ends in your current projects.


Keep your ears open for a blabbermouth, because they are spewing some valuable information. It might not be meant for you, but the airwaves are free. Pay attention to otherwise inane chatter for your big tip of the day.



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