Daily Forecast Aries 08-04


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If it feels like powerful people are being too critical of you right now, try not to overreact. It’s not easy or wise to ignore the comments of influential folks, but right now it’s not constructive to dwell on what they find wrong with you either. Stay as far away from these people as you can today. They could very well be looking for a scapegoat, and you should give them no indication whatsoever that you’re up for the role. Don’t take someone else’s blame.

Singles Lovescope

Your first instinct is to latch onto someone new, scheduling plenty of time with them and getting yourself ready to take the next step. Give it time to grow, and give them (and yourself) some extra space.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner’s calling out to you, but so is work. The daily juggle can be disheartening, but don’t try to be a superhero. Prioritize so there’s more time to play with your significant other.


When you think of your recent past, even happy images leave you feeling depressed. Maybe it’s especially the happy images that bring you down. Don’t compare yourself to what you once were if it doesn’t help restore your former glory. Think about the inner substance you’ve brought along with you instead.



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