Capricorn Daily Forecast
Someone’s not happy with one or more of your habits. Your first clue? The all-too-frequent lectures on self-discipline, willpower and just saying no. You’d think they would know you well enough to understand that these tactics don’t work well on you — and if they keep it up, you’ll only become more determined to have your way. Just try to find a balance between the wisdom of what they’re saying and your own need for independence.
Are you sick of all your usual hangouts? It’s time to shake things up! Try at least one new place every day, if possible. Start tonight, when the energy is right, and you might go out next weekend with a brand new friend.
Like a seed growing, you feel like nothing can hold you back right now. Share your ideas with your partner and encourage them to get involved. They can play a big role in your plans for the future.
You’re at a stage where going over a project with a critical eye is more important than coming up with creative ways to tweak it. Don’t treat any part of it as if it’s too precious to lose. If it’s not bringing in money, it’s got to go.